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No matter how hard you exercise or how well you eat, you may find that you still cannot trim down certain stubborn areas of your body. Fortunately, lipocontouring with the use of liposuction from our certified plastic surgeon, Our Doctor is a surgical body-shaping technique that may allow you to obtain the body profile you have always wanted.

Good Candidates for Liposuction

Liposuction may be an appropriate treatment option for you if you have areas of fat on your body that do not seem to respond to diet and exercise, including:

  1. Buttocks
  2. Thighs
  3. Hips
  4. Abdomen
  5. Upper arms
  6. Neck
  7. Upper and lower Back

Also called liposculpture, liposuction can be combined with another procedure, such as a tummy tuck, for best results. During a tummy tuck, the excess skin is removed and the remaining skin is tightened while the surrounding areas are treated with liposuction to help achieve the desired contour.

Liposuction Procedure

During the procedure, Our Doctor will make a small incision near the targeted area and insert a hollow tube called a cannula.

Unwanted fat cells are removed through the cannula by means of an attached suction pump.

There are several variations to the basic liposuction technique. The liposuction method that best fits your needs depends on a number of individual factors, which The Hair and Shape Clinic will discuss with you during your consultation. The following techniques may be used during your liposuction procedure:

  1. Suction assisted liposuction: Fatty tissue is pre-injected with a saline solution containing small amounts of adrenaline and local anesthetic. This technique is typically used by The Hair and Shape Clinic when performing liposuction in larger areas and serves to help minimize blood-loss, increase the quantity of fat removed, and to improve your comfort both during and after the procedure.
  2. Power assisted liposuction: This is a two-step process that uses sound wave energy to break down and liquefy the fat before it is suctioned. This technique is often most useful in highly fibrous fatty areas such as the upper abdomen, enlarged male breasts, and the lateral thigh and hip areas.
  3. Laser liposuction: Much like the ultrasound-assisted liposuction, the fat is first broken down by the laser cannula and then suctioned out with traditional liposuction.
  4. Syringe suction: This method is commonly used to treat delicate areas of the body, such as the face and neck. The Hair and Shape Clinic uses a liposuction syringe rather than a suction pump in these cases, so that he can more accurately achieve finely contoured detail.

With all liposuction techniques mentioned above, The Hair and Shape Clinic typically feels that the best outcome is achieved when using the most delicate-sized cannulas, which can often produce a smoother and more attractive body contour. The recent developments in technique have been instrumental in allowing The Hair and Shape Clinic to provide enhanced results and greater comfort during liposuction procedures. Anesthesia, too, can be customized to suit your preference. Depending on the size of the area to be treated, you and The Hair and Shape Clinic can decide on the level of anesthesia that will best serve your needs.

Recovery After Liposuction

After your liposuction procedure, you will likely be fitted with an elastic compression garment to help the swelling go down. Most patients return to work within one week after liposuction. The Hair and Shape Clinic recommends walking and other types of gentle movement to maximize your blood circulation and healing ability. More demanding activities should be put off until about one month after surgery or as determined by The Hair and Shape Clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions image

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Dr. Umang Kothari will only do liposuction procedures at our private surgery center under general anesthesia.

Liposuction will not get rid of cellulite, but it may help to make it less noticeable in some areas.

Absolutely! Often patients will have fat transferred to the buttocks or the facial area, depending on where they would like to see more volume. Please inform Dr. Umang Kothari of the areas you hope to improve with fat grafting, to see if you are a good candidate for this procedure.

Most patients do experience pain and discomfort for the first few days following liposuction, which can typically be controlled using prescription medication. Most discomfort subsides in less than 1 week, though individual experience varies.

Many patients are likely to have bruising with liposuction. This bruising is concentrated in the area of treatment, but can also travel downward to surrounding areas. The bruising and swelling will commonly peak around days 7-8 of recovery.

You will have certain physical restrictions for 4-6 weeks after surgery. This means you cannot exercise, go to the gym, or do any strenuous activity that will increase your heart rate during that time period. The objective is to allow the postoperative swelling to resolve at the quickest rate and achieve the best contour outcome possible. You will also be required to wear a post-surgical compression garment during this recovery period, which can be worn under your everyday clothing.

Our Successful Results

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