Face Lift
Your face is the first thing that people see when you meet. Your face can make you feel beautiful, confident, successful, and it can leave a lasting impression on others. You rely on its appearance to aid in recognition, communication, and first impressions of your identity and personality.
If you have noticed the emergence of facial aging signs, such as jowls, flattened cheeks, and sagging skin, you might be interested in learning how a facelift with Dr.Umang Kothari can help to recapture a more youthful appearance from earlier years. Not only do our facelift patients typically see a fresher face post-surgery, but they also often regain a great deal of self-confidence.
Facelift Procedure
Also known as a rhytidectomy, the process of the facelift procedure depends largely on your individual features and goals. In general, the incision for a facelift begins within the hairline above each ear and continues around and behind the ear. These incisions are placed in such a way that they are typically well concealed by your hairline.
During the procedure, Dr.Umang Kothari will tighten the loosened facial muscles and the other underlying soft tissues to help create a youthful architecture beneath the facial skin. The skin can then be made smooth over these recontoured deeper tissues, typically providing a long-lasting, more youthful appearance. Dr.Umang Kothari multi-layer approach to facelifting provides results that are generally superior to traditional skin tightening methods and often have longer lasting results.
The total procedure time and costs can vary. Often, the facelift operation is combined with other facial procedures, such as brow lift, facial fat-grafting, eyelid surgery, and rhinoplasty. During your initial consultation, together with Dr.Umang Kothari, you will be able to determine the procedure combination that is most likely to achieve your surgical goals.
Recovery from Your Facelift Procedure
Within a few hours following your facelift procedure, you will either be released to begin your recovery at home, or you will be given the option to stay overnight at the surgery center. Dr.Umang Kothari will give you his recommendation and allow you to make this decision based on available at-home care and the extent of your procedure.
After your facelift you will likely experience a moderate amount of swelling and bruising. These effects will subside in approximately two to three weeks. The best way to speed the healing process after a facelift is to follow Dr.Umang Kothari post-operative instructions, which will be provided to you prior to your surgery. You will be advised to refrain from any physical activity for about 4-6 weeks after surgery. Most patients return to their jobs within 2 to 4 weeks after surgery. Dr.Umang Kothari will help you plan the amount of time off that is appropriate for your recovery. If you are interested in learning more about the facelift procedure with Dr.Umang Kothari, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation.