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Moustache Hair Transplant

Having bold and thick moustaches represents a powerful symbol of masculinity and maturity in men. However, some men suffer from moustache hair loss or are genetically predisposed to absent or thin moustache hair.

Injuries, trauma to the face, and other causes resulting in scarring may lead to less hair growth or hair loss in the moustache area. Moustache hair loss causes not merely appearance issues for men but might also generate mental issues.

The moustache transplantation represents a lifetime solution for these problems. The procedure includes transferring hair follicles from the donor area and implanting them into the moustache area. The surgery lasts a few hours, typically between 3 and 4 hours, depending on the number of grafts required for desired results.

How is Moustache Transplant Procedure Done?

Moustache Transplant Timeline

The period from the initial consultation to full recovery spans around 10-14 months. Below is a brief timeline: