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Growth Factor Concentrate Therapy (GFC)

GFC Therapy is a next-generation hair loss treatment that delivers increased concentrations of one's growth factors.

In this treatment, increased concentrations of the individual’s own growth factors are utilised to stimulate the natural regenerative processes in the scalp.

The process typically involves extracting a small amount of the patient’s blood, isolating and concentrating the growth factors, and then reintroducing them into the scalp.

These growth factors play a pivotal role in promoting cell growth, tissue repair, and the development of new blood vessels, all of which contribute to healthier and thicker hair.

GFC therapy is renowned for its effectiveness in fostering natural hair regeneration, and it is considered a safe and minimally invasive option for individuals experiencing hair loss. The treatment’s focus on using the patient’s own blood eliminates concerns related to compatibility and reduces the likelihood of adverse reactions. It’s like giving your hair a personalized boost from within, harnessing the power of your body’s natural growth factors to revitalize and rejuvenate your hair follicles.

Who needs GFC?

It’s crucial for candidates to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified specialist to determine if GFC therapy is the right option for their specific situation.



Growth Factor Concentrate (GFC) Therapy, an advanced solution for combating hair loss, comes with a host of advantages: